Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Another visit

Few hours ago, I got mysterious call (hehehe..not like that lah..I'm too exaggerated).
Unfortunately I was stumbled in doing something and did not hear any ring rang.

When I moved out to have lunch, I saw miss call on my cell. I call it, busy..wait about ten seconds, call it again..hssshhhhh..still busy.
I was wondering who's calling me..arrgghh
Then, I forgot it and took lunch.. I am terribly hungry, dude..

After lunch, not while after sit on my desk-chair, my phone on the table was screaming.. mom, inform me that DSA from SF came !
They came to have site visit.

Hmmm, I think they called me earlier.
With curioous, I rang the number and yap..a girl sound on the other part there,
Guess what, my feeling is correct, she is DSA person.

She said that she was calling to make sure my address, gee..
They already finish the visit and inform me back.
Ok, then.. I will have wait again until they inform me again about the result

Guten morgen!

Morning everyone..
It not a sunny morning but like usual it is a cloudy (not cloudy though, its pollution)..

I woke a bit late since last night I visited cumasatuaku in bintara until late night.
After few hours chit chat and jokes as usual, we have a little serious session when we discuss about cash flow.
Yeah, interesting topic.."cash" :D

He offered me ('us' actually) to have monoply game..whatta!
No no no..don't get me wrong first.. It's not monolopy in terms of childhood, but it is cash flow 101 which is likely to monopoly. We can learn how to manage cash and flow (doh..i know that..that's why named cash flow.. :p). Usually cash flow game is
We agreed to arrange the schedule and put ourselves into cash flow 'combat' between us.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sore ini


Just get back from the gym in Klub Rasuna with Max.
Gosh, ten minutes running on the treadmill was so harsh.
Well, it took only a week since my last run. And I loose my breath already :p

I think I need to take more frequent and take another exercises too.
Btw, running is not the only exercise that I take. I have regular swimming too.
Even though only once in two week. Heii, don't laugh.. Still better than not doing, right.

Now it's time to go home..see ya. Continue tomorrow,Ok?

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Ah, akhirnya nongol lagi di blog ini, setelah sekian lama terlupakan..
Mungkin gw mesti lebih sering nulis (baca: ngetik) di blog ya..selain mengungkapkan isi hati..cieee..juga sekaligus olahraga jari dan otak.

Hmmpffff...entah berapa banyak blog yg pernah gw buat dan gak pernah diisi lagi. Tahun lalu gw pernah juga lho bikin blog di blogdrive. Kalo mau liat silakan intip aja, ketika itu gw bikin pas ada momen tsunami.
Makanya sebagian besar isinya ttg how I felt for tsunami disaster..

Sori berat nih buat para pembaca yang budiman dan budiwati kalo seandainya tulisan2 di weblog ini masih jauh dari standar mutu penulisan ilmiah. Karena memang sejujurnya, gw memang gak berniat membuat jurnal ilmiah atau tulisan ilmiah disini. . :)