Monday, November 28, 2005
Caught in the act
"What a shame on you !
You've got your picture on the net."
Yeah, for some people being wellknown and popular is a dream.
But how about in one occasion, you have your picture on the net doing violation or abuse. Hmmm....
Few weeks ago, Indonesian people still remember when one of the actress (TD) doing a mistake for falling her dress and shown her 'treasures' during a TV live show. Or about a year ago when Jennifer Hawkins (Miss Universe 2004) in fashion show case stepped on her long-skirt and pull it off shown her body. Suddenly, they become more famous than they were. Internet put them on their headlines and massively expose them. They should be embarrased after that happen.
Well, too many examples to tell. But have you imagine yourself if it is happen to you ? For me, no. I hope not happen to me. Being famous or insane is one-in-another way around. I'm sick already watching TVs always broadcast gossip shows. People called themselves as role-models even though what they're doing is giving somewhat I called cultural-celeb-behaviour as a metafora for anything from celebrities is good. Do you consider like them that divorce is a good publicity?
Back to the topic... I want to introduce you one cool website. This website designed to specialize itself on traffic violation. You will find interesting and educative picture to tell anyone around the globe that traffic-suspect is doing crime..gotcha!!
You can see, violations from motorcycle, car, POLICE (yes,'s true), traffic marks, and so on.
This website can be claimed as people-representatives of how bad the traffic in Jakarta and surrounds. If you can not differentiate between Metro mini driver and BMW driver, then're in Jakarta. When you have to think twice to use zebra cross when passing over the road, then wake're still in Jakarta. When you find what we call polisi tidur, then're here in Jakarta.
So, if find any violation on the street..go get your camera or phone, get the picture and submit to MALUDONG.COM. Hopefully, the suspect will be ashamed and at least don't wanna do it anymore. I hope that suspect is not ME. :D
Friday, November 11, 2005
Gelang Solidaritas
Akhir-akhir ini kita sering melihat semakin banyak anak-anak muda ataupun orang dewasa yang pake gelang warna-warni. Baik kalau kita temui mahasiswa yang sedang menunggu angkutan, ABG-ABG di mall, esmud-esmud di cafe-cafe, banyak dari mereka yang pake gelang yang warnanya rada-rada nge-jreng.
Kalau kita perhatikan dengan lebih seksama, ternyata gelang itu bukan sembarang gelang lho..
mereka menyebutnya Gelang Solidaritas. Gelang-gelang ini dibuat bertujuan untuk menggalang dana untuk kegiatan-kegiatan sosial. Jadi, para donatur dapat menyumbangkan dana dengan cara membeli gelang tersebut.
Saya pikir metode penggalangan dana seperti ini sangatlah menarik. Lihat saja, mereka dapat menggabungkan antara charity dengan lifestyle, atau mungkin saya bisa juga menyebutnya sebagai fashion-charity. Target mereka sebenarnya seluruh lapisan umur, tetapi dengan fashion-charity tadi sepertinya akan lebih pas kalo saya bisa sebut bahwa target donatur lebih banyak ke golongan anak-anak muda.
Harga gelang2 itu pun tidaklah mahal, berkisar Rp 10.000,00 per gelang. Sebuah harga yang cukup reliable untuk menyumbang, iya kan? Coba kalau teman-teman nongkrong di kedai kopi import di cafe atau di mall, saya yakin satu gelas kopi aja harganya sudah di atas 10 ribu.
Adalah gelang merah yang dijual oleh salah satu Yayasan yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan. Yayasan Tunas Cendekia, namanya.
Yayasan ini didirikan oleh sekelompok anak muda (atau yg masih berjiwa muda) sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap Pendidikan bagi anak-anak Indonesia.
Ada juga gelang biru, contoh gambarnya ada di caption kiri atas, yang dijual oleh Yayasan Jantung Indonesia. YJI menjual gelang ini untuk menggalang dana untuk membantu para penderita jantung.
Kalau di luar negeri, masih banyak lagi contohnya.
- Gelang Putih : Untuk membantu para penderita AIDS di dunia. Diselenggarakan oleh ONE Campaign. Check out the link here !
- Gelang Putih : Untuk membantu kegiatan pemulihan kemiskinan dunia. Diselenggarakan oleh Oraganisasi-organisasi dunia yang tergabung dalam MAKE POVERTY (as a) HISTORY .
- Gelang Kuning : untuk memerangi kanker (Sponsor : Lance Armstrong Foundation)
- Gelang Biru : untuk kampanye anti kekerasan dan penganiayaan. Check out the link here ! Ini bagus juga buat disosialisasikan di negara kita ini lho, terutama para TKW korban penyiksaan, korban tindak anarkisme dan terorisme, korban perampokan dalam taksi, korban kapak merah..wah banyak banget deh kalau disebutin semua...
Nah, kira-kira itulah beberapa contoh yang bisa saya sebutkan, mungkin masih banyak lagi contoh-contoh lainnya.
Kalau teman-teman berminat memesan, silakan dicek di masing-masing website, nanti akan ditemukan cara memesannya. Saya mengusulkan sebagainya memesan secara kolektif, selain belinya lebih praktis, juga anda dapat kebajikan lebih, karena mengajak orang lain untuk turut berbuat kebaikan...Tapi kalau beli banyak, jangan minta korting harga ya...
So, have you donated your society through the SOLIDARITY-BAND ?
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Blessed Ramadhan !
Though a bit late, however I want to share to all of you
"May have blessed Ramadhan this year and later reach a degree of muttaqiin"
Blessed Ramadhan!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Another visit
Unfortunately I was stumbled in doing something and did not hear any ring rang.
When I moved out to have lunch, I saw miss call on my cell. I call it, busy..wait about ten seconds, call it again..hssshhhhh..still busy.
I was wondering who's calling me..arrgghh
Then, I forgot it and took lunch.. I am terribly hungry, dude..
After lunch, not while after sit on my desk-chair, my phone on the table was screaming.. mom, inform me that DSA from SF came !
They came to have site visit.
Hmmm, I think they called me earlier.
With curioous, I rang the number and yap..a girl sound on the other part there,
Guess what, my feeling is correct, she is DSA person.
She said that she was calling to make sure my address, gee..
They already finish the visit and inform me back.
Ok, then.. I will have wait again until they inform me again about the result
Guten morgen!
It not a sunny morning but like usual it is a cloudy (not cloudy though, its pollution)..
I woke a bit late since last night I visited cumasatuaku in bintara until late night.
After few hours chit chat and jokes as usual, we have a little serious session when we discuss about cash flow.
Yeah, interesting topic.."cash" :D
He offered me ('us' actually) to have monoply game..whatta!
No no no..don't get me wrong first.. It's not monolopy in terms of childhood, but it is cash flow 101 which is likely to monopoly. We can learn how to manage cash and flow (doh..i know that..that's why named cash flow.. :p). Usually cash flow game is
We agreed to arrange the schedule and put ourselves into cash flow 'combat' between us.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sore ini
Just get back from the gym in Klub Rasuna with Max.
Gosh, ten minutes running on the treadmill was so harsh.
Well, it took only a week since my last run. And I loose my breath already :p
I think I need to take more frequent and take another exercises too.
Btw, running is not the only exercise that I take. I have regular swimming too.
Even though only once in two week. Heii, don't laugh.. Still better than not doing, right.
Now it's time to go home..see ya. Continue tomorrow,Ok?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Mungkin gw mesti lebih sering nulis (baca: ngetik) di blog ya..selain mengungkapkan isi hati..cieee..juga sekaligus olahraga jari dan otak.
Hmmpffff...entah berapa banyak blog yg pernah gw buat dan gak pernah diisi lagi. Tahun lalu gw pernah juga lho bikin blog di blogdrive. Kalo mau liat silakan intip aja, ketika itu gw bikin pas ada momen tsunami.
Makanya sebagian besar isinya ttg how I felt for tsunami disaster..
Sori berat nih buat para pembaca yang budiman dan budiwati kalo seandainya tulisan2 di weblog ini masih jauh dari standar mutu penulisan ilmiah. Karena memang sejujurnya, gw memang gak berniat membuat jurnal ilmiah atau tulisan ilmiah disini. . :)